Demonstration of Zigbee modules networking process and control through mobile app

Hello everyone

Today I will show you how to pass the Zigbee gateway

Connect the Zigbee node network to the cloud server

Realize the effect of controlling Zigbee terminal nodes individually or in groups via mobile app

The solution includes power supply, 32 Zigbee terminal nodes, a Zigbee four-way switch, Zigbee gateway, and TTC control app

The gateway connects 32 node devices through the Zigbee network.

Can be used through WiFi, 4G or Ethernet interface

Upload data to cloud server

After powering on, 32 Zigbee nodes enter the networking state

The green light of each device flashes to indicate that it is pairing and networking.

Network pairing...

When all green lights stop flashing

Represents the completion of network pairing

Demonstrates binding three Zigbee devices into a group

Then bind the group through the first switch

Then pass this switch

Unified control of the LED switches of this group of devices

Click to open

Double click to close

Now we demonstrate grouping more node bindings

Then bind the group through the second switch

Then pass this switch

Unified control of the LED switches of this group of devices

Click to open

Double click to close

The above is today’s TTC gateway operation


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